Where do you feel it in your body?

Movement towards Radical Self Curiosity in Relationship with Your Body.

Where Do you Feel this in Your Body? That is the question I’be been pondering, sharing, exploring…in depth for long enough to know it’s MAGIC!

I’ve been feeling/sharing the idea of our body being a Separate Being as it truly resonates with my healing journey.  Thanks to my newest Read “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolkata M.D. 

Combining Curiosity in relationship with not just your mind but also feeling sensations within your body…Builds your inner relationship with Self in a very powerful connected way.

Think of those that you care for in your life, what if you treated your Body as though it were one of those beings you loved and cared for?

What if you started feeling the inner resistance within (thoughts, stories, beliefs) and related this to your pain body?

In my experience inner resistance of self and pain are a mirror of each other, and it’s why when we have a safe space to build relationship within our tension & pain immediately softens, and or completely goes away.

Please know none of the above is bad or wrong, its truly our bodies Genius in surviving (often unconscious auto pilot patterns) all that has happened previously in our unique life journey so far.  I always say its truly how you were able to show up here today, and its ok if you want to show up in new ways of Thriving, that too is possible!

I believe with all my heart that
“The body is a healing Machine when it has the support it needs”…and it has taken me oodles and oodles of trust and curiosity to get to where I am right now!…

I wanted to share my Curiosity ToolKit that I utilize weekly, and often daily.

Suggested Supportive Tools…

Open Mind and Body, Courage, and willingness to explore…

5-20 min of YOU time in a SAFE space with the intention to be with Yourself.

Journal love.. Remember writing is Movement, and Movement is Medicine.

EXTRA supportive tools: be in nature (no shoes, and your feet connected to the ground)

Here we go…

Just write down what you feel, just watch what sensations arise in your body. Warning: May allow movement of Tears…just let them flow.

  1. What fills me up with Joy? And where Do I feel this in my body?

  2. What is currently working well in my life? And where Do I feel this in my body?

  3. Where do I feel constriction in my daily flow? And where Do I feel this in my body?

  4. What is no longer working well? And where Do I feel this in my body?

  5. What am I grateful for? And where Do I feel this in my body?

  6. Who am I grateful for? And Where Do I feel This in my body?

  7. What do I believe about myself with the thoughts, and stories I share?  And where Do I feel this in my body?

Curious, what support are you needing to Move towards building relationship with you and your body? . I’m here to support Movement in all ways, less is often more.


XOXO, Paleena

Paleena Moyer