journal love
Why journal? Because its a supportive movement for those feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, emotional etc.
The power of pen to paper has been life changing in all the ways for this girl, so of course I want to share it…just incase it resonates in some small way with you too?
It doesn’t matter what you do, its always WHY that is most important and I share this especially when it comes to journaling.
Its an easy-ish movement thats doable for most humans, that allows me/them to build relationship within SELF, a deeper dive into thoughts, feelings that we/I often push to the side. The power of acknowledgment of feelings has been magical to witness in those with dis-ease in their bodies
Theirs not right or wrong way to journal, honestly JUST START…
First baby step is to get yourself a note pad/journal of some kind that feels supportive for you. I prefer spiral notepads myself, and a pen that glides effortlessly.
Next take a moment to drop into your daily life, feeling when you can see yourself journaling for 3-5 minutes during your daily life.
Where are you? Is it morning/Afternoon/Evening? Where is your pen and paper, is it in spot that feels safe, yet easily accessible when you need it.
Although there is absolutely NO right time to journal, and my favorite is first thing in the morning, when I wake up. There’s a sweet spot thats happening right when you wake up, where your subconscious mind is still accessible, which can open the doorway for new insights.
The above is also known as “Morning Pages” by Julia Cameron, she shares that there is a clearing of the cob webs of the mind first thing upon waking. Who doesn’t need a little help starting the day with a bit more clarity and ease…
I love what this author shares about their powerful of their experience with Morning Pages in relationship to F L O W state. click here if you’d like to dive deeper.
Again, there is no specific way…I encourage you to find what Flows for you and your current lifestyle with a little dose of structure and discipline to create Movement!
I allow myself to pick up my journals anytime, It’s truly become an expansive movement in my daily life flow.
Yes, I have more than one Journal, honestly I usually have 3-4 going at once…
Currently, I have one for keeping up with the Moons/planet energy, My morning pages Journal, one for any feelings, thoughts, ideas that needs space to just be acknowledged, maybe processed? And, my latest discovery my “Success Journal” (New to me, gifted by one of my favorite humans) it prompts me with Q’s that spark more curiosity accountability. Overall I find it supports a deeper exploration towards more doable actions steps “aka Movement” towards my life goals, dreams. Win win!!
My point in sharing is just try it…and by try it I mean truly give it S P A C E. Be intentional, curious, and explore it in a way that allows you to build relationship with the most important person you will ever be with in your life, YOU!
Like any important relationship it will expand as you prioritize it…think of it like like making time to meet a close friend for Tea/Coffee, gifting you a deeper sense of connection, maybe even more energy afterwards.
Again your WHY, you choose to journal will be the truth behind what expands for you…its not to fix you or change you, its to get to know and be with all the parts of YOU. Especially those tender parts, the ones we often push aside because they feel like too much?
Who doesn’t like to be acknowledged?
XOXO, Paleena