Unlimited Goals
Movement towards Unlimited Goals, creates momentum towards unlimited possibilities…outside the knowing of your life experience so far!
Whats an Unlimited Goal?
Its a FULL SURRENDER into TRUST that I am here on PURPOSE and that everything is happening for me.
That I have GIFTS TO SHARE, and GIFTS to receive…making me a constant learner/student, and teacher of this LIFE, that I believe I chose on PURPOSE here on EARTH SCHOOL!
This is what I believe, however how does this feel in your body?
I’m more curious WHAT DO YOU BELEVE to be true right now for YOU?
For me Unlimited Goals have created expansive abundance in my life beyond what I knew or could of known possible…
How to Expand a current goal into a Unlimited Goal is as simple as breaking it down into feelings of already living in the goal.
Example: Lets say your current goal is a New Job, or possibly a new Relationship, House, or even a physical body goal like losing weight.
Can you PAUSE, close your eyes, feel your feet and feel into how your breath is currently moving within?
Now, Can you imagine that you already living your goal?
What does that feel like in your body?
Often we want a better paying job, or to lose weight etc. however that is a limited goal…truth is we can make more money and we will find more ways to spend money, needing to get another better paying job. We can lose weight and then once we lose the weight or goal is met and we often gain it back with extra bonus weight from the simple fact that we are not in alignment with our actual feeling body. The part of our body that holds the deeper wisdom that guides us to live a life that feels nourishing.
However I’ve found that if I dive deeper into my goals…I find that its my deeper desire to feel SAFE, CONNECTED, LOVED, LIGHT, MOBILE, FREE TO GROW, EXPAND AND MOVE JOYFULLY IN RYTHM WITH NATURE inside and out!
If it feels supportive build your PAUSE MUSCLE, exploring how you want to FEEL?
In my experience every time I step into the unknown, outside the box of what I’ve experienced so far…NEW SENSATIONS, NEW POSSIBILITIES and LIMITLESS ABUNDANCE SHOW UP!!
Including the ability to keep sharing what I love “Movement” If you’d like to come adventure with me click here.
If you’d like to explore moving with me 1:1 to integrate a deeper connection within your Mind and Body.
XOXO, Paleena