Life Calendar Exploration

Let’s get curious about  your Calendar, as its a reflection of what you’re currently prioritizing, which is what your’e currently choosing to move towards.

Do you think about your Life as ONE Big Life CALENDAR?

I heard long ago that when we leave this life, there will only be one obituary.  There will not be a separate one for our business life and separate one for our personal life, because they are both the same.  

This took only a second to resonate, allowing it to illuminated the desire to live all aspects of my life in alignment with my values. And it took me a year of practice to find my flow, which is constantly changing as my internal and external world evolve…so be patient with yourself.

Let’s pause and reflect…

Do you use a Calendar?   And/Or maybe you write down what you’d like to do each week?  If so it is a reflection of what you are prioritizing…which can be simple tool to support you to feel into where you are at right now in your life.

  • First step, Get your Calendar out for reflection.

  • Second, Dive a bit deeper and get curious how it feels in your body?  

    • Does it feel…exciting, fun, inspiring, overwhelming? Does it bring up emotions of doubt, fear and/or Joy?

  • Use the above as information, it’s not right, wrong or bad unless you perceived it to be, it’s just “what is” for you right now.

    • Feelings are your body’s way of speaking to you, so again what is your body saying about your Calendar, write it down, write it down, did I mention write it down?  

    • Less is more, allowing yourself the space for life to unexpectedly flow is important to allowing balance.

    • to be curious is the first baby step towards seeing what is currently working well, and maybe whats no longer working in your current life calendar.

  • Get curious what it is your prioritizing in your life

    • Movement time, Connection/Friend dates, Self Love/Care, New Opportunities, Education, Adventure, Important Appointments/reminders (water the plants, pay bills) etc.

Sometimes we just need to start with our Daily Bare MinImums to create momentum in our calendar… And, Feel free to add my “5 Minute Mat Check in” into your Calendar to jump start your day.

If you need a bit of support/accountability to support your daily Life Calendar Momentum I’m here.


XOXO, Paleena

Paleena Moyer